42/18 100 Candles Game: The Last Possession 2025 – Download Torrent The horror genre is set to receive a thrilling new entry with the release of “100 Candles Game: The Last Possession.” This film, which promises to blend supernatural elements with psychological thrills, has quickly become a topic of interest among horror fans and film […]
34/46 Depois de perder tudo em um golpe de criptomoeda, um grupo desorganizado de Redditors vigilantes tenta sequestrar o rei que os intimidou. Mas quando uma invasão domiciliar toma um rumo pior, eles se tornam vítimas de um jogo sádico. Hala Buradayim
21/47 Tre coppie di mezza età affrontano questioni universali sul matrimonio e la fedeltà, sul successo e il fallimento professionale e sulla sfida di trovare una seconda vita. QUAND REGARDE HDTV APPLE
32/25 Der exzentrische Lottogewinner Charles lebt allein auf einer abgelegenen Insel und versucht, seine Träume wahr zu machen, indem er seinen Lieblingsmusiker Herb McGwyer engagiert, um ein exklusives Privatkonzert zu spielen. Ohne Herbs Wissen hat Charles auch Herbs ehemalige Bandkollegin und Ex-Freundin Nell und ihren neuen Ehemann engagiert, um alte Lieblingslieder zu spielen. Als die […]
22/40 The daughter of a Holocaust survivor embarks on an international journey to find answers to questions about the plight of her mother and her six siblings, who fled Nazi Germany as children, relying solely on their youthful courage and the kindness of German strangers. laws 2025 torrent
38/49 En un futuro plagado de entregas al día siguiente, el conglomerado Nefaricorp domina la existencia humana a través de la alta tecnología, los grandes negocios y los envíos gratuitos. Su tecnología de clonación ha reemplazado a los trabajadores de todo el mundo por replicantes, incluida la policía. Estos policías clonados se producen en un […]
17/28 A Quiet Place: Part III (2025) – Die lang erwartete Fortsetzung der spannenden Franchise Die Welt des Horrorkinos hat eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung durchgemacht, und die A Quiet Place-Franchise steht an der Spitze dieser Transformation. Mit seiner einzigartigen Prämisse und nervenaufreibenden Spannung soll der dritte Teil, „A Quiet Place: Part III“, 2025 in die Kinos […]
46/31 In 2014, BuzzFeed writer Matt Stopera had his phone stolen from a bar in New York City. A year later, images of storefronts and a man standing next to an orange tree mysteriously appeared in his iPhoto feed. Matt wrote an article about it, and overnight it went viral in China, where internet users […]
47/25 Morihito Otogi, a high school student from an ogre clan, lives a peaceful and ordinary life until his childhood friend Nico moves in with him. Nico is a witch trainer and chooses Morihito as his familiar. While Nico is excited to be reunited with his old friend and is distraught, Morihito is given the […]
50/35 VALIANT ONE’ın heyecanını yaşayın: Torrent’i hemen indirin! Destansı askeri gerilim filmi VALIANT ONE‘da izleyiciler Kuzey Kore’nin kalbinde çılgın bir yolculuğa çıkarılıyor. Rutin bir görev, bir ABD Ordusu helikopteri düşman topraklarının derinliklerine düştüğünde kaosa sürükleniyor. Bu, savaş dışı teknoloji uzmanlarından oluşan bir ekibin DMZ’de tehlikeli bir yolculuğa çıkmasıyla heyecan verici bir zeka ve hayatta kalma […]